our mission & vision

Our Mission

To serve the most marginalized individuals; especially women and children with possibilities to empower and uplift themselves.

Aims & Objectives

MARIA. B. Cares is a department of Maria. B. Designs (Pvt.) Ltd devoted to Sustainability.

We support causes, organizations, and people who are often overlooked or underfunded to achieve their goals in the following fields:

  • Education: primary and higher education support through infrastructure and scholarship funding across Pakistan.
  • Healthcare: especially but not limited to Cancer treatment and palliative care.
  • Environment: Supporting afforestation, addressing water scarcity, and providing clean/ green energy solutions.
  • Poverty Alleviation: daily cooked meal distribution drives, funding micro businesses and especially women-owned startups.
  • Human Empowerment through skill development, training, and hiring of talented persons from marginalized backgrounds.
  • Conservation of the cultural capital of Pakistan through supporting credible art and heritage projects.
  • Employee welfare and development through training and feedback programs in addition to flexi-time, daycare, pick & drop, and maternity policy facilities for women as well as funded emergency medical treatments and daily meals for labor staff.
  • Awareness, advocacy, and action: for causes and platforms related to family well-being, women empowerment, child welfare, and Khunsa persons enablement.


By focusing on these fields, MARIA. B. Cares extends: 

  • Financial support causes organizations, and individuals whose vision and mission align with that of our Trust.
  • Partner with and promote civil and government agencies and organizations working on these issues.
  • Create awareness about these issues and highlight all possible solutions to inspire change.